Microsoft Ads Latest Update: Why You Should Be Using Microsoft Ads | Adtaxi

Microsoft Ads Latest Update: Why You Should Be Using Microsoft Ads


Jennifer Flanagan

Oct 22

Microsoft Ads recently gave its webmaster guidelines a major refresh for the first time since 2012, providing digital marketers and SEO experts with a new set of opportunities on an often-underutilized platform. While many advertisers tend to stick strictly to the behemoth that is Google search, Microsoft Ads’ new guidelines and shopping capabilities provide a window for savvy marketers looking for a leg up on the competition. Here’s what’s new in Microsoft advertising, and why it can be an effective addition to your brand’s current marketing mix.

First Things First: Major Changes

Let’s start with the big one. The method used to index and rank content on Microsoft Ads has been altered in an attempt to locate and reward good web pages. Microsoft Ads’ new principles of indexing aim to prioritize quality and intent of content above content dense with buzzy keywords and phrases but devoid of real substance — irrelevant webpages, pages with javascript errors, and generally spammy content will be penalized and filtered out.

As a companion to these key changes on the backend, the front-facing insights you’ll now be able to gain from Microsoft webmaster tools have been revamped. This dashboard tells you how the search engine currently views a site’s content and provides a detailed breakdown of incoming traffic. Knowing how to make content available and easy to find on Microsoft Ads matters, since the Google competitor boasts more than 12 billion worldwide searches per month. Moving up Microsoft Ads’ rankings increases a brand’s visibility to a huge demographic, and Microsoft webmaster tools essentially exist to provide all the answers to the test.

A Gift for Shopping Advertisers: Updated Visual Search

Looking to introduce a clothing or shoe brand to new customers? Visual search is the name of the game. With one click, Microsoft Ads can display products “matching the visual design across all sellers” on the platform, putting a full catalogue on display for users in search of a particular style. Microsoft Ads even includes a “goes well with” button for suggested outfits, an option to upload product photos or URLs, and an easy-to-navigate display for shoppers to quickly compare prices across the platform.

Visual search is the best way to rein in new customers at the top of the buying cycle. The difference between one user landing on the Nike homepage and another experimenting with a different, less-recognized brand can be a simple matter of what picture pops up when that customer searches “rad shoes.”

And don’t worry, home goods brands — you’re next on Microsoft Ads’ priority list.

Zig When Others Zag: The Advantage of Less Competition

What’s often considered a knock on Microsoft Ads could actually be its greatest benefit — less competition can mean more effective advertising for businesses willing to take the leap. Google’s ultra-competitive advertising environment exists for good reason, but innovative marketers seeking solutions to lower CPC and increase click-through rates might find Microsoft Ads to be a better overall value.

Microsoft Ads’ main demographic is an idyllic combination of users between ages 45-54 with an annual household income of more than 100k. Plus, unlike other visual search competitors like Pinterest, Microsoft Ads allows advertisers to create campaigns with more precise age and location targeting. Efficient, effective campaigns delivered to a largely untapped audience — what’s not to love about that?

Ecommerce Sees a Boost Amid Covid-19 Concerns

Ecommerce in 2020 has allowed for more people to shop safely from home as Covid-19 restrictions and concerns continue to abound. That means brands and businesses with simple, down-to-earth messaging and easy checkout processes are getting noticed — and rewarded. A greater reliance on Ecommerce has marketers racing to fill a need, and exercising a brand’s digital strategies on Bing could be the push they need to stay afloat, stand out, or finally push ahead.

Microsoft Ads’ new capabilities are certainly worth exploring, and with holiday shopping season practically around the corner, now is the time to learn the ins and outs of this highly-effective platform.

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