Driving Your Digital Presence with Video
Feb 05
We live in a world of convenience at every turn. Information and entertainment is available on demand. Thanks to streaming video and Connected TV, you can view the content you want when it fits in your schedule with the click a button or voice command. The landscape for viewing has changed immensely having not only an enormous effect on traditional television advertising, but also how marketers are adjusting their budget to accommodate the rapidly changing landscape.
With Connected TV users expected to exceed 190 million in 2019, the need to adapt to this growing platform as another vehicle to tell your story is becoming more imminent by the day. Digital video now accounts for an average of 25% of a daily video viewing for the average person, which is only projected to increase. However, many marketers are not adjusting their budget distribution accordingly and are missing a valuable opportunity to get in front of their target audience. Auto dealerships specifically have been one of the slowest adapters to this increase in video consumption, many of which are still spending 100% of their video advertising budget on traditional television versus digital video.
So what makes it different and why should dealerships care? Unlike cable ads, Connected TV (CTV) and video campaigns can be measured and optimized as part of your overall digital strategy. Ad effectiveness can be tracked by views, clicks and video completion rates (VCRs). This data enables more insight into the customer journey and car buying experience. In addition, the power of view-through data can help you attribute users who saw your ad and later took action to get more information or contact the dealership, furthering your ability to measure your return on investment.
Interested but don’t know where to start? We have broken down the basics to help you better understand how video and Connected TV can help your dealership accelerate past traditional television and begin transforming your market presence.
Download our white paper on Digital Video and The Rise of Connected TV