New Study: Quarter of Online Adults Shop Digitally Daily
Press Release
Jun 14
– Financial uncertainty leads consumers to value
free delivery more than ever –
– PLUS: Nearly half of Americans claim they would consider buying a home online –
DENVER, CO (June 14, 2023) — Adtaxi, one of the nation’s fastest-growing digital marketing agencies, today announced the results of its 2023 Ecommerce Survey. The survey’s findings were clear: online shopping frequency has exploded since 2017. 228.9 million U.S. adults will shop online this year, with daily shopping increasing by 380% in the last six years. With the pandemic as the tipping point, consumers rely more on online shopping, as two-thirds of Americans say they would be happy to make all of their purchases online.
While online browsing is booming, many Americans will only look at items online and not purchase, commonly known as cart abandonment. The survey results suggest consumers respond well to retargeted ads. It found that 88% of consumers claim that some prompt or reminder from the business will persuade them to return to their carts. Respondents stated the primary reasons behind revisiting their carts were offers to reduce the price or free shipping.
”The survey confirms that online shopping is viewed as essential for a majority of Americans, however, digital marketers should be aware that financial concerns are also at the forefront of consumers’ minds,” said Chris Loretto, EVP of Adtaxi. “As inflation continues, it is important for digital marketers to continue capturing the attention of digital audiences to stay top of mind when the economy inevitably rebounds. In the meantime, simple offers for free shipping or online coupons can drive consumers to action.”
The survey’s key findings include:
Online Shopping Hits New Highs: Today, 9-in-10 online adults (93%) engage in ecommerce during the typical month, compared to 7-in-10 back in 2017. The frequency with which Americans shop online is posting even greater gains and will drive further growth moving forward. Entering 2023, one in four online shoppers do so on a daily basis, compared to just 5% in 2017. Two-thirds shop online weekly, compared to one-fourth (27%) six years ago.
Dusty Desktops: When shopping online, more U.S. adults (78%) use a mobile phone than any other device type. However, according to the survey, adults engaged with ecommerce utilize an average of 2 different device types to shop online. Nearly half (46%) shop online using a laptop, 3-in-10 use a tablet and only 1-in-5 use a desktop.
Convenience is Key: Year after year, convenience remains the most cited reason why U.S. consumers shop online (79%). The top three reasons customers utilize online shopping is to look at price comparisons (52%), consumer reviews (51%), and find coupons (46%).
Most Popular Online Items: In 2023, apparel or fashion are the most popular items purchased online at 67%. Following that are beauty or personal care products (53%), health or wellness products (51%), and groceries or food items (44%). In last place comes mattresses at 8% and CBD at 10%. Most shocking of all statistics, however, is that almost half of all Americans would buy either a home or a new or used vehicle online.
“It is not surprising that this year’s 2023 Ecommerce Survey reflects all-time highs, as online shopping has brought greater convenience, access, and personalization to consumers’ lives,” said Adtaxi Director of Research, Murry Woronoff. “Looking back to 2017, this year’s survey statistics prove that consumers prefer to shop online and are doing so more frequently. Looking ahead, ecommerce is expected to create new opportunities, business models, and customer experiences that will revolutionize the way we interact with businesses, and how businesses interact with consumers.”
This survey was conducted online using Survey Monkey among a national sample of 1,088 adults spanning across U.S. geographic regions, income levels, gender and age. The survey was conducted on April 20th, 2023.
About Adtaxi
Founded in 2010 within MediaNews Group, Adtaxi made its mark in programmatic advertising before expanding into search, social, and connected TV. Over time, Adtaxi has refined and perfected its holistic performance-based strategy, which became the foundation of Quantum, originally launched in 2015. Leveraging the power of people plus technology, Adtaxi’s innovative full-funnel methodology leverages a variety of tools and processes throughout the client lifecycle to drive omnichannel optimizations across channels to maximize performance and deliver superior value for advertisers. Adtaxi functions as a true partner with its clients, acting as a single point of contact and support through multi-platform campaign cycles. Find Adtaxi on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.