Digital Digest
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Before you launch your next social advertising campaign, make sure you have the tools in place to determine if your ads are doing what they’re supposed to do. By tracking certain key performance indicators (KPIs),…
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are great ways to quantify and evaluate the success of your campaign. Where it can get tricky is choosing which indicator is more important than another, because of the many myths…
Would you like to learn how to increase conversion rates and search engine visibility by taking advantage of a ready-to-buy audience? What if you learned how successful ecommerce retailers use this same tactic? Better still,…

Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
On the surface, the untrained eye may see digital marketing campaigns as relatively unchanged over the last few years. But behind the scenes, industry innovators are finding that the old ways of doing things aren’t…
The e-commerce industry is only a few decades old, and new technology continues to give consumers unique ways to buy products and services online. As e-commerce has evolved, several myths and misconceptions have formed about…
In a digital world where more shopping is being done online, how do furniture retailers compete? More furniture is being bought online, but this is an industry where many people prefer to see and touch…