Digital Digest
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Google Is Listening To Its Users If you are becoming increasingly wary of voice activated in-home devices, then you aren’t alone. The uncertainty around how much the speakers are hearing and where that information goes…
Tech Giants To Face Congressional Hearing Next week, digital tech giants Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook will put their competitiveness aside as representatives from each are set to testify before a congressional panel. The companies…
Google Is Changing How People See Search Online shopping typically begins with a search bar and a product description. Despite increased ease, it still poses its challenges. You can find yourself scrolling through pages of…

Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
Snapchat Develops Its Own Mobile Network Snapchat made a big announcement on Thursday about plans for a Snap Audience Network, its own mobile ad platform with targeting across various apps. The initial launch will be…
Streaming Video Exceeds Cable Subscriptions For the first time, video streaming service subscriptions surpassed cable, jumping up 27% to 613 million subscribers last year. The shift is attributed to the consumers being drawn to services…
Digital marketing had a tumultuous time in 2018. Technology moved into new areas for growth over the past year that affected the way we shop, communicate, and live. From the growth in artificial intelligence and…