Digital Digest
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The coronavirus is sweeping through the nation, and as a result, economic output could drop by as much as $1.5 trillion and cost American workers an estimated five million jobs, according to The Wall Street…
Facebook Offers More Help For Small Businesses Facebook is continuing to focus on small businesses by offering additional resources of support during this uncertain time. As part of its $100 million commitment to helping struggling…
The marketing and advertising industry is undergoing rapid change, with 24% of advertisers pausing all spend and digital spend decreasing 33% across the board, according to an IAB buy-side poll. With self-isolation and shelter-in-place orders,…

Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
Snapchat Launches Mental Health Resources People are experiencing a range of emotions as they are being ordered to stay indoors. Stress and anxiety is growing in many as uncertainty remains the only constant. In an…
Brands are treading in unknown waters as they work at record speed to adjust how they go to market when priorities are constantly shifting. Navigating the course won’t be easy for anyone, but identifying where…
Google Helps Local Businesses As life is changing at a rapid speed, Google is continuing to work diligently to help businesses, particularly small ones, who rely on the company to provide accurate store details to…