Digital Digest
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When dealerships are creating a marketing strategy, Snapchat is not likely to be top of mind. However, failing to capitalizing on this highly engaged audience could be doing your business a huge disservice. With over…
There are many well-known apps for creating opportunities to engage with consumers, and Snapchat is quickly climbing to the top. Many of us didn’t quite understand how Snapchat could be used for a business at…
Social media is integrated in our daily lives as we spend increasingly more time scrolling through posts, pictures and videos. With the average adult on social media for over 2 hours a day, it’s a…

Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
Today Instagram announced the long awaited confirmation of the beta rollout of Checkout on Instagram. There’s been rumbling in the industry for months about Instagram’s desire to push in-app ecommerce sales and it’s finally becoming…
Hastags are now a normal part of social media activity but you may be wondering how you can leverage them for business. When used strategically, hashtags hold an amazing power to reach large audiences and…
No matter your target audience, spring break is an excellent time for brands to get in front of their consumers. With college students spending an estimated $1 billion on spring break every year added to…