Digital Digest
Featured Articles
The COVD-19 pandemic forced a sea of change in the way companies market themselves and their products. With the accelerated rise in ecommerce and remote shopping, digital marketing quickly became the new normal as brands…
Fear of the unknown can have a profound effect on marketers. For various reasons, many SMB brands are afraid to introduce digital platforms to their marketing campaign strategies. It’s often easier to stick with the…
CBD products are a fast-growing trend unlike anything we’ve seen in a while. They’re seen everywhere — topicals, foods, beverages, oils, makeups, pillows, and more. But marketing platforms haven’t quite kept up with the times,…

Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
Programmatic still works and has a powerful impact on the market but all programmatic is not created equal. Great results require attention to detail when it comes to campaign set up, audience targeting and optimization…
In the first part of our blog series, we discussed the basics of retargeting ad campaigns and the foundational knowledge required to be effective. Now, we’ll look over the other channels in-depth that brands can…
How many times have you found yourself searching for something you need online, but get distracted — the dog barks, the baby’s crying, maybe even a random thought pops into your head and you no…