Digital Digest
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Google Introduces Voice Payments Google is taking touchless payments one step further with the pilot program of Voice Match. Users will be able to verify their identity through their voice when making purchases with Google…
It’s no surprise that politics is getting social. As Americans become increasingly more polarized with their stances, they are also more willing to voice their opinions and seek out like-minded people to discuss important issues….
Facebook Shops Helps Small Businesses Thrive Small businesses that relied heavily on foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores saw business come to an abrupt halt with the onset of COVID-19 restrictions. This forced many to expand…
Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
As the country begins to re-open, dealerships are looking for ways to create a tailored strategy to address the changes in shopping and reassert themselves in the market. Auto shopping continues to rely heavily on…
PLUS: 1 IN 3 ARE SPENDING MORE TIME COMPARING PRICES & PROMOS ONLINE DENVER, CO (May 13, 2020)—Adtaxi—one of the nation’s fastest-growing digital marketing agencies—today announced the results of its Coronavirus and Automotive consumer survey,…
Many people are wanting to help out as the world continues its ongoing battle with COVID-19. Brands are choosing to align with nonprofits and charity groups to make giving easier. These partnerships can help build…